Wayland Productions - 'We're Alive: Lockdown'
American iTunes Chart Performance

"We're Alive: Lockdown": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 14 Apr 2016
  • Chart debut: #30 (21 Apr 2016)
  • Highest Position: #16 (26 Apr 2016)
  • Most recent chart position: #95 (10 May 2016)
  • Days on US Podcasts Chart: 22

'We're Alive: Lockdown' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Australia.

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We're Alive: Lockdown: Chart Progress Graph

Chart progress graph for We're Alive: Lockdown

Detailed Chart Progress for "We're Alive: Lockdown" (Wayland Productions)

US Podcasts chart performance history for We're Alive: Lockdown

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2016 Apr 20 Wed 30 new NPR
21 Thu 53 re-entry
21 Thu 53 no-move
22 Fri 34 up
23 Sat 41 down
24 Sun 43 down
25 Mon 16 up
25 Mon 16 no-move
26 Tue 17 down
28 Thu 26 down
29 Fri 39 down
30 Sat 49 down The Ringer
Ringer NBA Show
2016 May 1 Sun 54 down
2 Mon 48 up The Ringer
The Ringer's NBA Show
3 Tue 46 up
4 Wed 86 down
5 Thu 59 up
6 Fri 57 up
7 Sat 63 down
8 Sun 75 down The Ringer
Keepin' it 1600
10 Tue 95 re-entry The Ringer
The Watch

About This Podcast: We're Alive: Lockdown

an audio theater for the mind “life on the inside” takes on a whole new meaning a riot has broken out at twin towers jail simeon five of his fellow inmates and the prison guards assigned to them have found themselves trapped...

...the inescapable confines of t-block during the lockdown boundaries of trust are pushed to the limit as the survivors must learn to work together if they have any hope of escaping the horde of infected and the deadly secret that lies within twin tower’s walls “we’re alive lockdown” serves as both a standalone and continuation of the “we’re alive a story of survival” series it answers questions asks new ones and keeps the listener guessing right up until the bitter end what is “audio theater for the mind” think of it a type of show that you can play in your head guided by the narrative but carried by your imagination unlike film or television an audio drama has the power to strike a deeper emotional connection with the audience

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