Preston Pysh and Stig Brodersen | Wondery - 'We Study Billionaires - The Investors Podcast'
American iTunes Chart Performance

"We Study Billionaires - The Investors Podcast": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 06 May 2017
  • Chart debut: #89 (09 May 2017)
  • Highest Position: #77 (10 May 2017)
  • Most recent chart position: #93 (16 May 2017)
  • Days on US Podcasts Chart: 9

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Summary: First, we like to have fun. Second, we read and talk about the books that have influenced billionaires the most. We typically talk about Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Ray Dalio, Stanley Druckenmiller, George Soros, and other financial billionaires.

Detailed Chart Progress for "We Study Billionaires - The Investors Podcast" (Preston Pysh and Stig Brodersen | Wondery)

US Podcasts chart performance history for We Study Billionaires - The Investors Podcast

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2017 May 9 Tue 89 new Serial & This American Life
9 Tue 89 new
10 Wed 77 up
11 Thu 77 no-move
12 Fri 80 down
13 Sat 86 down
14 Sun 89 down
15 Mon 81 up
16 Tue 93 down

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