Laura Krantz - 'Wild Thing'
American iTunes Chart Performance

"Wild Thing": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 11 Dec 2018
  • Chart debut: #40 (13 Dec 2018)
  • Highest Position: #40 (13 Dec 2018)
  • Most recent chart position: #40 (13 Dec 2018)
  • Days on US Podcasts Chart: 2

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Detailed Chart Progress for "Wild Thing" (Laura Krantz)

US Podcasts chart performance history for Wild Thing

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2018 Dec 13 Thu 40 new Dr. Phil McGraw
Phil in the Blanks
13 Thu 40 new

About This Podcast: Wild Thing

believe in bigfoot think it’s total bs host laura krantz spent a year in the woods and in the lab trying to answer that question what she found might surprise even the staunchest non-believer this legendary creature represents a mystery...

...still captures our imaginations and sasquatch is as popular now as it’s ever been part of this is tongue-in-cheek—bigfoot as hipster accessory but many people take sasquatch seriously—perfectly rational people who swear to its existence why does this creature ignite our imagination where does that fascination come from and why does it persist

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