T.J. Hooker - 'The Streets'
British iTunes Chart Performance

"The Streets": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 20 Mar 1982
  • Chart debut: #70 (23 Feb 2021)
  • Highest Position: #70 (23 Feb 2021)
  • Most recent chart position: #70 (23 Feb 2021)
  • Days on UK TV Episodes Chart: 2

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Detailed Chart Progress for "The Streets" (T.J. Hooker)

UK TV Episodes chart performance history for The Streets

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2021 Feb 23 Tue 70 new Bloodlands
Episode 1
23 Tue 70 new

Episode Synopsis: The Streets

as sgt hooker and officer romano cruise the streets both bemoaning hooker's clunker of a car a pretty young housewife has been forced by a knife-wielding bible-toting man arlen williams to get in her car which williams then drives off...

...short while later hooker and romano respond to a call and find the housewife brutally beaten inside her car a bible on the seat and her attacker has calmly escaped by bus unnoticed immediately on the scene is aggressive newscaster tracy hill thrusting her microphone in hooker's face she begins questioning hooker is incensed by her presence but he and romano know its the same guy who's been beating women giving them a sermon and then taking an 'offering' in cash from them always leaving a bible behind back at the precinct hooker's frustration over this case is enhanced by captain sheridan's order that tracy will ride with him on his next patrol tracy pushes hooker further when she pursues him to the bar that evening asking more questions unknown to hooker she's recorded their unpleasant exchange on his way home hooker passes a cluster of police cars and stops to discover yet another young woman battered by the bible mugger she identifies her attacker as wearing a yellow windbreaker and hooker realizes he passed the guy on the street hooker spies williams again and chases him on foot but loses him the next day hooker gets grief from the two detectives assigned to this case and to add to the tension tracy is riding with hooker and romano today meanwhile williams has gotten himself another victim but his time the woman dies of a heart attack when williams withholds her medication after tracy publicly criticizes the police specifically hooker and has a psychologist analyze the bible mugger on her news program williams himself calls her and wants to talk excited at such a scoop tracy carelessly ignores hooker's warning not to get in over her head by hiding anything she knows and she winds up being abducted by williams luckily for tracy hooker and romano have discovered williams' living quarters on the grounds of a convent they're there when williams arrives with tracy and they hear her screams for help but williams gets away in the convent bus with tracy and three nuns as hostages finally after a terrifying pursuit by hooker and romano williams is captured and no one is hurt in the process later tracy makes a public apology to hooker on her news show

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