Episode Synopsis: There's an air of discontent within the Savastano organization, with the colonels resenting the new recruits Genny has brought in. Imma, fearing the Savastano family appears weakened by conflict, pleads with Genny, urging him to take control of the situation.
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UK TV Episodes chart performance history for Episode 11
Year | Month | Day | Position | Movement | Number 1 |
2014 | Oct | 29 Wed | 96 | new |
Geordie Shore 901 |
2018 | Mar | 9 Fri | 90 | re-entry |
Keeping Up With the Kardashians The Gender Reveal |
21 Wed | 88 | re-entry |
The Walking Dead The Key |
24 Sat | 36 | re-entry |
Homeland Enemy of the State |
New #1! Up 6 places from #7
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Up 9 places from #14
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Up 22 places from #31
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