- ''
British iTunes Chart Performance

"": Chart Statistics

  • Release date: 12 Apr 2019
  • Chart debut: #78 (14 Apr 2019)
  • Highest Position: #78 (14 Apr 2019)
  • Most recent chart position: #78 (14 Apr 2019)
  • Days on UK Podcasts Chart: 2

'' has charted in the following countries:
United Kingdom, Germany and Italy.

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Detailed Chart Progress for "" (

UK Podcasts chart performance history for

Year Month Day Position Movement Number 1
2019 Apr 14 Sun 78 new Emma Chamberlain and Ramble
Stupid Genius with Emma Chamberlain
14 Sun 78 new

About This Podcast:

what is an awesomer an awesomer is someone who through a series of long-term actions and behaviors has demonstrated that they are not satisfied with normal they are achievers to a penultimate degree in their own industry specialty or area of...

...there are no monetary criteria to be an awesomer in fact many mega-wealthy people are not awesomers some of them are normies others are even basics awesomers want to thrive; not just survive awesomers are trying to improve their lives and the lives of those around them they are trying to make an impact in whatever way they can on the world many amazon sellers are awesomers they took the amazon fba opportunity and they siezed the moment by taking action if you are an amazon seller or interested in selling in ecommerce you should take a moment now and listen to all the awesomer origin stories entrepreneurs solve problems in the world they don’t create them awesomers are never done learning or improving to become an awesomer one must realize the journey to improve is perpetual in other words you don't arrive to the land of the awesomer as a destination being an awesomer means you are on the path of achievement for the sake of improving your life and those around you awesomers are 75 more likely to listen to educational or improvement podcasts what is a normie a normie is someone who is stable and well established in life and ultimately is satisfied with the status quo they don't want to rock the boat they don't want to take risks normies are satisfied to survive normies are fine just ask them awesomers have no problems with normies in fact most awesomers are surrounded by normies who are their close friends and even family more often than not normies do not understand the plight of the awesomer so they will warn the awesomer to “be careful” or “don’t do it” or provide other guidance they mean to be helpful but it is really just negativity that the awesomer must overcome we all know and love normies and we are not criticizing normies we're only delineating some of the differences that exist between awesomers and normies normies are 84 more likely to listen to news about the kardashians than awesomers what is a basic a basic is someone who doesn't care about anyone which is often including themselves they self-sabotage they create problems and they are not people that anyone should hang out with they suck the life out of everyone around them by manufacturing drama problems or other nonsense these people have chosen a path for themselves often by years and years of behaviors and actions which lead them to the life they have today; which is ok with us we’re not judging we just choose not to have our journey detoured by crossing the path of a basic we also refer to this as the no a-hole rule 63 of basics have a cell phone only to play games consume news or vent on social media the preceding statistics for each archetype above is 100 made up we like to make jokes but we'll always tell the truth and set the record straight the awesomerscom podcast hosted by steve simonson will showcase some of the amazing origin stories of awesomers from around the world there are so many truly inspiring stories from people from all walks of life but most often the awesomers that will be focused on will be those who are also entrepreneurs we'll be launching in the last half of 2018 as we build the systems and a team to support this important effort we hope you will join us for this exhilarating journey we believe in embracing revelry and enjoying the journey we know we have to work hard but we do not have to sacrifice ourselves on the altar of #hustle as much as we admire and respect those points of view we believe in finding harmony with your long-term personal why and your business or work life

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